OPENING of ISC International Shoe Competence Center Pirmasens MOVING to Marie Curie Street The PFI now has an additional microbiology laboratory and a pilot facility for biotechnology NEW FIELDS OF ACTIVITY Energy from biomass production of xylitol from brewery waste FOUNDING of PFI Far East ENERGY PARK Large scale implementation of the research work through the biogas facility at the Energy Park in Pirmasens Winzeln 2008 2006 2014 modern technologies innovative solu tions and new applications for mate rials The PFI conducts research in the areas of protective and safety footwear medical and footwear technology and Industry 4 0 among others In view of climate change and the scarcity or increasing cost of resources PFI Biotechnologie is concentrating its research activities on the areas of biogas fermentation and biomass di gestion thereby laying the foundations for the efficient and economic use of these resources In Rhineland Palatina te alone around 30 biogas plants are supported by PFI experts in terms of process biology For further research a renewable resource biogas plant was built on an industrial scale at the local Winzeln Energy Park in 2014 PFI Biotechnologie has also set up a spin off company PFI Biorefinery Technology GmbH which plans and markets the other biotechno logical plants in the energy park A little bit better every day The PFI has not only adopted this motto itself With our activities we want to contribute to our partners and customers thinking sustainably and responsibly By creating standards that improve quality and benefit is how Dr Kerstin Schulte formulates the PFI s goals today and in the future Almost 20 years later State of the art technology characterises the PFI s chemistry laboratoryAn important pillar yesterday and today the chemical laboratory Here is a photo from 1992 2012 7
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