FIFA The PFI receives approval from FIFA for the testing of footballs RENAMING to Prüf und Forschungsinstitut Pirmasens e V Amendment of the statutes the field of activity is extended FOUNDING of the subsidiaries in Hongkong China and Turkey MOVING to Marie Curie Street The PFI now has an additional microbiology laboratory and a pilot facility for biotechnology 2001 2003 20051995 in cases of complaints and damage Last but not least partners from indus try and trade appreciate the competent support in applying for funding and in handling individual projects Inspect and certify Better safe than sorry Especially when production does not take place on our doorstep it is important to have a reliable local partner Early controls give manufacturers and importers sufficient time to react to quality problems and thus be able to meet promised deli very dates Whether it is a question of products and services or the proces ses and structures by which they are created the PFI supports companies in this endeavour As a state approved certification and prequalification body the PFI carries out certifications of environmental and quality management systems social standards personal protective equipment based on ISO standards as well as various other products and services The awarding of test marks e g Oekotex Green Button Blue Angel etc as well as various training courses seminars and workshops complete the range of services Research and development Environmentally aware with an eye on the future PFI s research and develop ment activities are constantly growing Orthopaedic technology biogas ther mal printing hydrolysis and renewable energies are just a few of the many areas that focus on the development of An important pillar yesterday and today the chemical laboratory Here is a photo from 1992The PFI staff in 1969 On the right in the picture is the institute s director Dr Wilhelm Fischer 6
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