STIFTUNG WARENTEST The first order from Stiftung Warentest and the beginning of a longstanding cooperation TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT The first test device was used to carry out the DIN standard sole abrasion BUNDESWEHR The PFI develops a seam seal for combat boots 1967 SET UP of the Certification Body of the PFI certification of QM systems 1993 1975 1969 1973 Trekking boots have to withstand a lot At the PFI hiking boots are tested down to the smallest detail rectly the often disastrous results cause a stir and uncertainty and are usually damaging to the image of the compa nies concerned Whether chromium VI dyes or nickel these and many other substances pose great challenges for producers This is where the PFI s expertise and support are needed The experts at the PFI examine test and develop test procedures In the field of chemical expertise these include for example trace analysis tests pollutant tests or the examination of the marke tability of products The physical material tests focus on wear strength permanent load and ageing among others The microbiological laboratory is dedi cated to microbiological and molecular biological tests e g for bacteria yeasts fungi or mould Biotechnological expertise from the fields of fermenter and substrate analy tics complete the spectrum In addition the PFI scientists provide a better comprehensible and detailed view of the latest legal guidelines They support companies in the development of indi vidual quality marks and provide advice Examine advise and educate What exactly does the PFI do What does the practical day to day work look like We take a look behind the scenes and first address the explosive topic of pollutants Almost every month new substances emerge that are banned or discussed by law The media regularly focus on the topic of pollutants in sho es There is a great deal of uncertainty in the industry but above all among consumers In any case whether wrongly determined correctly or incor The Physical Laboratory 1992 5
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