Editorial Dear Ladies and Gentlemen The Prüf und Forschungsinstitut Testing and Research Institute in Pirma sens is celebrating its 65th anniversary this year On this special occasion I would like to congratulate all those involved and share with you my pleasure that the Institute has enriched the Pirmasens region for so many years as an excellent service provider and stable employer The Prüf und Forschungs institut Pirmasens e V originally founded in 1956 for the shoe industry has developed in recent years into a globally operating service and research centre with a broadly diversified portfolio of products and services The Rhineland Palatinate state government is pleased to know that such a renowned institute is located in our state because a PFI certification guaran tees quality and product safety The PFI s inspection of imported products is a special seal of approval for european importers but also for exporters from China I was able to convince myself of the Institute s outstanding coopera tion with international partners during a visit to the PFI in the Chinese region of Fujian in April 2014 Today 65 years after its foundation the PFI is able to boast extensive know how and offer the highest quality of service thanks to its accredited laboratories and research based staff Nowadays the PFI receives orders not only from the footwe ar and leather goods industries but also from the textile and automotive industries as well as from the biotechnology and renewable energy sectors Dear team members thank you all for your great work and I wish the Institute all the best for the future Malu Dreyer Minister President of Rhineland Palatinate 65 years of PFI A long history What makes the institute so successful Dr Kerstin Schulte answers these and other questions in a conversation with Dr Claudia Schulz INQUIRED The PFI has been located at the Husterhöhe since 2003 The spacious premises and modern laboratories offer the best conditi ons for research and development 3
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