Editorial 1956 Konrad Adenauer was Federal Chancellor Theodor Heuss Federal President Life had almost returned to normal eleven years after the end of the Second World War Economic technical and cultural successes arose as did successful sporting events The island of Helgoland was reopened to tourism after years of clean up work The Suez Canal hit the headlines and caused a world political crisis Television became more and more popular and transported world events into the living room at home Some Swiss however saw things differently the Action Group against Television considered television to be superfluous and threate ning They even wanted to ban television in Switzerland by means of a referendum Fortunately things turned out differently Sputnik pacemaker superglue Pioneering spirit and inventions shaped the picture The founding of the PFI also coincides with this time of optimism In the mid 1950s with the rebuilding of the shoe industry there grew a demand for a central testing and research centre for shoe related material inspection and development In 1956 the starting signal was finally given on the premises of the Pirmasens Shoe Technical School Over the decades the PFI has developed beyond shoes into a globally recognised authority for testing research and engineering By opening up new business fields such as biotechnology and researching innovative technologies in the field of renewable energies we are setting signs for a successful future 65 years 100 employees Machines have a soul It is the human being says the German civil engineer and poet Erhard Horst Bellermann And rightly so Technology innovation and research are inconceivable without human know how This also applies to the PFI s success story which would be inconceivable without its motivated staff In close cooperation with the ISC we research test develop and invent Training and re search form one unit Thank you at this point to everyone who is committed to our work and our institutes Sustainably active Innovative technologies give new meaning to human technology interaction In doing so we always have the issue of sustainability in mind And not just since 17 global sustainability goals for a better future were agreed upon with the Agenda 2030 adopted by the United Nations Whether climate protection or resource conservation waste management or recycling the PFI has been conducting futu re oriented research for years and plays a pioneering role in sustainability With the European Green Deal the EU has now set out a roadmap for sustainable business However this Green Deal will only work if all sectors of the economy do their part and participate in the comprehensive transformation of the economy to wards renewable energies emission reductions climate friendly technologies and environmental protection But that is not all High demands on environmental protection sustainability and social responsibility can also be found in the Lieferkettengesetz zur Achtung der Menschenrechte entlang ihrer Lieferkette Supply Chain Act on respect for human rights along their supply chain and the Marktüberwachungsgesetz Market Sur veillance Act both of which will come into force this year We are aware of the enormous challenges but at the same time we see a lot of potential for successful business processes At the PFI we stand by all players with our services and core competences Our laboratories are well prepared for the tasks ahead and our experts develop ECO strategies for you to fulfil the European Green Deal Are you ready Then join us on the path to greater sustainability You can count on us Sincerely Dr Kerstin Schulte PFI Director Focusing on the future sustainable and innovative 2
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