ISC Training and research Ive been with the PFI since 2009 I take care of research training digitalisation initial and contunuing education AI For me research means overcoming boundaries Boundaries of what is currently feasible but also interdisciplinary boundaries Investigating new things and turning them into innovati ons My vision for the future Willingness to innovate Courage to do something new Leave old and often entrenched patterns of thought and action behind Research facilities I have been working at the PFI since 2001 I take care of the implementation of the PFI s research results in the field of biotechnology into practice For me research means to develop something useful for people and nature My vision for the future is that the implementation of technologies for resources and climate protection are promoted faster and better Human Resources I have been working at the PFI since 1982 I take care of the human resources and commercial areas as well as the administration of the FO projects For me research means Challenge testing and research belong together By doing new ideas always emerge that go far beyond the standard My vision for the future is that the PFI as an innovative reliable partner with an ever renewing curiosity and willingness to develop is helping to develop the future Certification I have been working at the PFI since 2016 I take care of many different topics in the certification office As an auditor I am involved in a wide variety of sectors especially in the footwear and textile industries Here I get many exci ting insights The certification of management systems sustainability standards and personal protective equipment is part of our field of activity in the certification office For me research means the future and constant further development Especially in the I still see a lot of potential My vision for the future is to continue to offer such a varied and exciting field of work at the PFI Here s to another 65 successful years Inside PFI 15 Benjamin Pacan Johanna Höger Gabriele Wagner Ronny Weis
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