Dr Stefan Dröge Technology I have been working at the PFI since 1989 I take care of the management of a unit in the PFI traditionally called the Technical Depart ment A multidisciplinary squad of engineers and technicians that conducts research and development across industry boundaries For me research means perpetual progress Usually advancing the state of technology for the direct and indirect benefit of an industry or field sometimes just to satisfy the thirst for knowledge My vision for the future that we the employees the PFI and our country succeed in con tinuing to occupy one of the top positions in global competition through motivation innovative strength and creativity Biotechnology I have been working at the PFI since 2007 I take care of research and development in the field of biotechnology and bioenergy For me research means transforming scientific concepts and ideas into practical proces ses and products My vision for the future contribute to the establishment of a sustainable bioeconomy Chemistry I have been working at the PFI since 2008 I take care of Chemical analysis and advice on chemical limits and legal regulations For me research means to realise practice oriented solutions with creative ideas in a moti vated team My vision for the future is that the transformation to an environmentally sustainable society succeeds Physics I have been working at the PFI since 2005 I take care of the physical concerns of footwear leather goods and textiles For me research means overcoming boundaries and breaking new ground My vision for the future is to realise visions with courage and creativity 100 employees at the PFI ensure that our world becomes a little better every day 100 employees who are committed to research and development with their knowledge and expertise 100 employees some of whom we would like to introduce to you in more detail Who is doing what Inside PFI 14 Peter Schultheis Dr Ines Anderie Liselotte Vijselaar
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