The PFI is about two years younger than the AiF The PFI started in 1956 at that time still explicitly focused on shoe manufacturing of which Pirma sens is one of the German centres In 1959 just three years later the PFI was welcomed into the AiF as a member For more than 60 years the PFI has been part of the research network of the AiF for precompetitive projects in industrial joint research projects with a broad impact Shoe production has long since ceased to be the only research horizon The PFI s unique power to gas faci lity in the Pirmasens Winzeln energy park feeds biomethane from wind and solar power into the natural gas grid thus making an effective contribution to the energy transition Here the PFI demonstrates a biotechnological competence with which it has impressively expanded its range of tasks and which is available to all interested companies Where as the AiF s 1991 handbook listed 38 PFI employees three decades later the workforce has more than doubled and is now approaching 100 This is a pleasing success story that also represents an important contribution to the success of the AiF s SME research network Within this network the PFI has continuously promoted collaborative industrial research for the benefit of small and medium sized enterprises In the past year 2020 alone the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy supported nine PFI projects with around one million euros via the AiF Over the past 30 years more than 100 PFI projects have been funded in this way with public funds totalling around 55 million euros The spectrum of topics is remarkable ranging from self locking shoes to maintain mobility despite physical limitations to the development of new value added chains of waste from the fruit and vegetable industry by combining extraction and biogas production Such research is highly application oriented and that is what small and medium sized enterprises in particular need to strengthen their competitiveness The AiF warmly congratulates the PFI on its anniversary looks forward to further cooperation in the interests of innovative SMEs and wishes good luck and all the best in the next 65 years May the PFI continue to be as good on its feet as ever Robert Huintges Association Managing Director AiF The positive develop ment of the PFI can be explained by the two factors of continuity and change For many decades the PFI has distinguished itself as a competent and responsible partner of industry It has always recognised the challenges of the time and taken new developments into account The PFI has always developed further without forgetting its own roots This is how success stories are written Michael Huth Steitz Congratulations to the PFI on its 65th anniversary Quality assurance and quality management are becoming increasingly important new standards and limit values require a constant opti misation process The PFI has become an important partner for Colortex over the years We appreciate the regional proximity and thus short distances as well as competent contact persons especially when carrying out joint third party funded projects Anja Burkhardt Karrenbrock Colortex The AiF The AiF is the research network for German SMEs It promotes research transfer and inno vation Industry established the AiF more than 60 years ago and continues to finance it today through its sector specific research associati ons As an umbrella organisation of around 100 non profit research associations with more than 50 000 involved companies and 1 200 participa ting research institutions it makes an important contribution to sustainably strengthening the competitiveness of Germany s economy In 2020 around 550 million euros in public funding flowed into more than 10 000 ongoing projects via the AiF A majority of the PFI s research funding was and still is approved via the AiF Every path becomes easier when you walk it together Thank you PFI for the many years of cooperation and your everlasting sup port We congratulate you on your 65th anniversary For the future we wish you everything that leads to lasting success Courage foresight vision and health Cheers and here s to another 65 years Andreas Quade framas 13
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