PFIs Past and Future The PFI is an im portant institution that one would not want to miss I see the PFI above all as a good partner for the industry here on site The local proximity makes it possible to carry out tests and inspections quickly and easily even at short notice We value the long standing and good co operation with the PFI very much Ute Rosenfelder Stockmayer We the company SOLOR Schuhfor schung und Entwick lung GmbH congratu late you on your 65th anniversary We would like to thank you for 25 years of successful and competent cooperation in the certification of our quality ma nagement and our products We wish you continued success good health and all the best for the future Matthias Birke SOLOR Dear PFI Team We would like to congratulate you on this impressive anni versary For almost 15 years now Think has been able to accompany you and draw on your knowledge and enormous experience in the field of material testing Six years ago we were the first shoe manufacturer to be awarded the Austrian Eco label and set a milestone in the field of sustainability which we continue to expand year after year with new models This was only made possible by the intensive cooperation with the PFI and their specialists in the field of chemical and physical analyses Dr Ines Anderie and Dipl Ing Liselotte Vijselaar and their teams We rely on your valued expertise almost daily and could not imagine a more reliable partner We look forward to many more years of successful coope ration and hope to celebrate many more anniversaries with you All the best Andreas Kainz Think Many years ago during my first visit to the PFI in Pirmasens I noticed the following slogan in the entran ce portal which has remained in good memory and which perfectly expresses the attitude and actions of PFI even after 65 years Der Schuh hat uns hier groß gemacht Drum Schuh und Schuster nicht ver acht The shoe has made us success full so don t disrespect the shoe and the cobbler These principles of apprecia tion and professional com petence were and are always noticeable in the cooperation In my name and in the name of Hu manic Leder Schuh I congratulate the entire PFI team and say a heartfelt thank you for decades of unfailingly friendly support true to the motto Drum die Arbeit und das Team vom PFI immer acht That s why the work and the team of the PFI are always respected Bernhard Stiasny Humanic Leder Schuh 12
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