Congratulations The PFI is an institution that is inextricably linked to the footwear industry It is fair to say in 65 years the PFI has sufficiently proven its raison d être The initial portfolio which included the areas of research testing and certification was supplemented by the ISC with footwear experti se research projects and the compact footwear factory Last but not least the ISC has created a place of activity where the subject of training and further education which is as important as it is indispensable for our industry has found a unique platform It is a pity that so few shoe manu facturers take advantage of this excellent offer of training and further education and accept the manifold possibilities of project support The last but no less important building block has been added by the Winzeln Energy Park Early on the PFI recognised the signs of the times Resear ching energy the extraction from biowaste biomass and its conversion into biogas electricity or hydrogen as well as the storage of surplus energy is a highly topical and forward looking subject I wish Dr Kerstin Schulte and her team as well as Chairman Michael Tackenberg and his board team continued success Ralph Rieker Ricosta High pressure digestion reactor for the pre treatment of of biomasses in the pilot plant of the PFI Congratulations on the 65th anni versary of the PFI A long successful period always extremely competent employees and always at least one step ahead with the vision and implementation of its own activities No wonder the PFI is a centre of excellence not only for all kinds of goods testing in Germany and the Far East but also in the field of power to gas and biogas plants Great Georg Picard Picard Lederwaren The staff in our laboratories not only inspect and test shoes but also leather goods textiles toys medical products plastic products and consumer goods such as handbags 11
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