The PFI stands for re search and development Numerous innovations develo ped at the PFI have repeatedly brought the industry forward in recent years But it is not only the PFI that is an important partner for the footwear and leather goods industry In cooperation with the ISC both institutions make an im portant contribution to maintaining and further developing qualifications and competence In this context the networ king with the training further and higher education instituti ons on site should also be emphasised Last but not least I see the PFI as an indispensable partner in the fields of standardisation and sustainability This also applies to the commitment to cads Many thanks and continued success Manfred Junkert Federal Association of the Shoe and Leather Goods Industry PFIs Past and Future We are honoured to witness PFI s 65th anniversary Over the last 15 years PFI has stayed at the cutting edge of market trends allowing us to thrive We have also supported and con tributed to the development of some of the fashion industries biggest players particularly in the footwear industry In the year 1999 when PFI first set foot in Asia as PFI Hong Kong and PFI Fareast we established a strategic hub in Hong Kong and a laboratory in Mainland China In recent years consumers and clients in Asia have become more conscious and aware of sustainability Through working hand in hand with PFI Germany we continue to provide the industry with quality services with a strong focus on sustainability In the past year and a half many of our stakeholders wit hin the fashion industry have been hit hard by the Covid 19 pandemic and we are no exception Nevertheless PFI s business in both Asia and Germany has continued to grow due to our solid foundations in the industry We have actively prepared our business for the new norms of a post pandemic world Our offices in Asia have worked tirelessly over the past year on new developments and service offerings together with our headquarters in Germany We hope in this new era that we will inspire our stakeholders and offer solutions to the difficult challenges we face The Directors of PFI Fareast along with our staff in PFI in Asia would like to wish PFI Germany a happy 65th anniversary and a bright future ahead Together we will continue to make contributions to the industry to society and to the world Candice Wang und Dr Gerhard Nickolaus Directors of PFI Fareast Microbial testing is carried out regularly Ein Mitarbeiter testet die Sohlenbeschaffenheit im physikalischen Labor 10
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