The PFI presents its competences to the professionals of the future at the BIB in Pirmasens

After a two-year break during Covid19, the career information fair was held again for the second time. The fair offers companies, associations and organizations from the region the opportunity to present themselves and their career opportunities. Around 100 exhibitors took advantage of this opportunity and were thus able to reach over 2,000 young professionals.
And also the The Test and Research Institute Pirmasens took advantage of this opportunity, because training and further education, training courses and seminars have a high priority at the PFI, as is already known through our training department ISC. Trainees and junior staff bring fresh ideas, energy and new perspectives and are a valuable component for continuous development.
This year we presented not only our oldest area of expertise, the shoe and leather sector, but also our many other key areas.
After a two-year break during Covid19, the career information fair was held again for the second time. The fair offers companies, associations and organizations from the region the opportunity to present themselves and their career opportunities. Around 100 exhibitors took advantage of this opportunity and were thus able to reach over 2,000 young professionals.
And also the The Test and Research Institute Pirmasens took advantage of this opportunity, because training and further education, training courses and seminars have a high priority at the PFI, as is already known through our training department ISC. Trainees and junior staff bring fresh ideas, energy and new perspectives and are a valuable component for continuous development.
This year we presented not only our oldest area of expertise, the shoe and leather sector, but also our many other key areas.
In addition to leather and shoes, the young people were able to examine various samples and petri dishes from our microbiology department. The chemistry and physics departments were represented by so-called "Prüflinge" ranging from shoe soles and bags to lunch boxes and diapers. On these "Prüflinge", our laboratories perform a wide variety of procedures on a daily basis, such as testing for harmful substances, wear and aging tests, or odor evaluations.
Even a "flexometer" specially designed and manufactured by our engineering department brought movement to our booth and attracted many curious looks. In everyday business, the flexometer measures the continuous bending behavior of a material without damaging it. The flexometer is in continuous use in our physics department. 
Our demonstration from biotechnology on how a cell phone cover can be made from hay initially caused a lot of questioning faces. But the explanations provided by our colleagues on site turned the question marks on their faces into fascination.
Our apprentice Mutaas, who is in the second year of her apprenticeship as a shoemaker, proudly told the interested young professionals about her experiences and activities during her apprenticeship. This gave the young people the opportunity to receive first-hand information and to get a comprehensive picture of the apprenticeship profession of the shoe finisher.
As there is still one vacant apprenticeship position in our training department ISC - International Shoe Competence Center for the year 2024 for the profession of shoe finisher, the BIB was a perfect opportunity to get to know potential applicants and to convince them of our training offer.
Overall, the BIB was a unique opportunity for the PFI to show future employees of the region how diverse the activities and competencies of the institute are and what exciting tasks await them there.
In addition, our institute director Dr. Schulte took the opportunity to communicate exciting innovations in the PFI education program to the outside world in an interview!
More details as well as the full interview can be found here.

We are already looking forward to next year, when we will again be able to bring our institute closer to young people! 

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