PFI launches research project with industrial partners to extract phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium compounds from biogas digestate and liquid manure and process them into high-quality mineral fertilisers.
Agriculture in Germany is under considerable cost pressure; in addition to rising personnel and fuel costs, the massive increase in fertiliser prices plays a significant role. At the same time, manure fertilisation in many regions with high livestock numbers is leading to increased nitrate pollution of groundwater, eutrophication of surface waters and increased emissions of greenhouse gases. New and innovative solutions are needed here. Innovative process engineering developments for the extraction and conversion of mineral nutrients from fermentation residues and liquid manure can make an important contribution. This applies both to the provision of cost-effective fertilisers from domestic production and to the needs-based and ecologically sustainable use of nutrients in agriculture.
PFI and its corporate partners K-UTEC AG Salt Technologies and Biotechnologie Nordhausen (BTN) have set themselves the goal of developing, optimising and applying these processes in practice. The project will start on 1 December 2024 and is financially supported by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) via the Agency for Renewable Resources (FNR) (FKZ 2224NR023A).